You know you need balance, but how do you manage the tensions between the different roles in your life?

It can be a challenge finding balance in your life; with so many demands from people and commitments, you can sometimes feel like a hamster on a treat mill - it's time to find a formula that works for you.

Royston Guest
Our lives have so many facets. And finding time for every aspect is a challenge. And yet, it makes sense to find a blend that allows you to cater for them all.
Reading time: 4 minutes; 8 seconds

You know you need balance, but how do you manage the tensions between the different roles in your life?

Do you consider yourself a busy person? Our lives have many facets, with work, home, family, friends, colleagues, partners and perhaps children. And over the years, no doubt, commitments have crept in, you many support a charity, have agreed to join a committee or taking up a team sport. Each role takes time and energy, so have you spread yourself too thin?

Think for a moment about how many versions of you there are. There’s the personal you with family and friends, the professional you with colleagues and bosses, you in a relationship, you as a parent, as well as just you being you. Each version of you has to meet different demands and expectations, each version of you dialled up or down as you and your life evolve. 

As the professional you, may work 14-hour days and even at weekends your life is focused on the next steps in your professional career, but what happens to your home life? Is that being ignored? Is your partner, friends, or family feeling neglected?

The key to success is getting both aspects right. Find the blend that allows you to nurture all aspects of your life. 

  • The personal me: Ask yourself what is important to you. Do you want to spend time taking care of your fitness, or spend valuable time with friends? Perhaps you have a hobby that brings great sanctity to your inner being. Think about what's important to you. 
  • The professional me: Are you ambitious and looking to develop a fast-track career, or do you find you are spending too much time focused on work? 
  • The relationship me: Relationships are essential. Spending time with someone you care about and building a life takes time and energy. Is this on your radar? 
  • The parent me: If you have children or pets or parents who depend on you, you will need to allow time to manage your responsibilities.

Managing the tensions between these various versions of ‘me’ is something that takes time to perfect.  The answer isn’t to become universally excellent at all of them, but to understand which one requires the most attention at any given point. Remember, there are many versions of you but only one physical you. 

Unfortunately, far too many people struggle to manage the tensions, giving all their energy to one version at the expense or loss of another. 
Think about the multiple versions of you. Are any in tension? Are you getting the most out of each one? Do any need to change because you’ve entered a new stage in your life and you haven’t pressed the reset button yet?
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take action; achieve more
  • Take time to write down the roles you play. It may be three or four; it may be many more. We all juggle our lives with hobbies, committees, volunteer work, and so the list goes on
  • Now list what is important, and what you value most in your life
  • Finally, are there some aspects of your life that are taking up too much time? Be ruthless and free up your time so you can focus on reaching your own goals
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