Most of your life is spent in pursuit of your goals. The attainment of the actual goal for most is only a fleeting moment in time before you recalibrate and set other goals and catapult yourself forward into the next exciting chapter of your personal growth journey
Royston Guest
Smart goals are a well-documented system to meet your objectives, but there is an advanced version that will add layers created to help you achieve success. Put them into action and see advanced results! Reading time: 2 minutes; 16 seconds
Creating C-SM 2ART goals
With your goals written down and in the present tense, let’s look at the ‘how’ – the specific action of turning those goals into what are known as C-SM2ART goals. If you’ve had any experience of writing goals, you’ve probably come across the concept of SMART goals, which are:
Specific Measurable Achievable or Actionable Realistic Timely
Some additional components add some extra firepower to your goals and make them transformational. Goals also have to be challenging. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Add challenge to the front of your goal-setting model, and you get C-SMART goals. This is a powerful, disruptive addition that instantly challenges you to stretch beyond your comfort zone and explore the sense of possibilities. How high is high?
So now our goal-setting model is C-SMART:
Challenging Specific Measurable Achievable or Actionable Realistic
But there is one other change. C-SMART goals are always measurable by definition, and it is essential to be measurable not just at the end but also along the way. In other words, they’ve got to be measurable twice, hence the M2.
Goal setting isn’t just about the destination; it’s also about the journey and the key milestones along the way that reconfirms you’re on the right path, moving at the right pace, and heading in the right direction. Therefore goals should always be C-SM2ART:
Challenging Specific M2easurable Achievable or Actionable Realistic
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Your next step is to book an appointment with yourself to ensure you block out time to personalise and complete your tracker. This will be one of the most important meetings you’ll have this year and one you’ll be glad you took the time to have.
Set your schedule for reviews so you can keep track of your goals and add momentum and inspiration to them daily, weekly and monthly, to ensure that you remain on track for their realisation.
Implementing your goals
You might have heard the saying that most people overestimate what they can do in a year but underestimate what they can do in a lifetime. Implemented goals are the bridge between your current reality and your future vision. It is one of the most liberating, empowering feelings when you know your life has purpose and direction, and daily you’re taking actions to turn your goals into reality. Screenshot 2021-03-15 at 12.09.30.png61.5 KB
You often hear people making statements like: ‘I’ll be happy when I am rich' or ‘I’ll make a change when spring comes around.’ It’s always someday, someday. Don’t fall into this trap. Make sure you squeeze the enjoyment out of every second, every minute, every hour and every day of your life and that you’re not banking up your happiness for someday.
take action; achieve more
Having specific goals will reinforce your ability to make progress along the way, write them down and apply the C-SM2ART formula to give you more success
Goals create focus and direction, give your life meaning and purpose, challenge you to grow, drive you to take massive action, allow you to keep score, and allow you to create a formula to replicate, while at the same time offering you the inspiration to continue on your journey
Now you’re off on the road with a vision of your future, an action plan for getting there and a timeline with milestone measures for when you’ll arrive. You are in the driver’s seat like never before, creating certainty and personal growth. Do it today! Screenshot 2022-08-11 at 06.32.27.png154 KB