Building a business through strong networks

People do business with people they know, like, and trust. Your professional network can open doors for you and provide you with opportunities you never thought possible

Stephanie Moore
Networking is a powerful method of leveraging your contacts, who can act as advocates, and open doors through their contacts
Reading time: 3 minutes; 12 seconds

Building a business through strong networks

Simple ways of empowering your networking skills

Throw the boomerang
One of the best networking techniques is something we refer to as throwing out the boomerang and helping as many people as possible. When you improve the strength of your contacts, it helps you get stronger. 

Share your expertise and ideas. Share information. Promote your network's accomplishments. Be a connector. 

One person buys a product or service because it will benefit them in some way, and one sells a product or service because they can profit. So if you can connect two people you know who would benefit from knowing each other, you are initiating the network-building process.

Build a great reputation
In professional networking, people prefer to build business relationships with people they see as valuable and reliable. By creating a reputation as someone talented, helpful and insightful, people will be more motivated to support you. Let people know what you're accomplishing and learn through blogging, emails and conversations. Be trusted and trustworthy.

Be focused
Focus on who you want to meet and build a rapport with. Interact with people online and offline. Share valuable content and spark interesting conversations. Also, think about who else spends time with the people you want to meet and connect with them.

What do others need?
Intelligent networking is mainly based on mutual benefits, but focusing on the needs of others will propel you further. Furthermore, adopting a 'What's in it for them?' thought process will allow you to stand out in a crowd.

Think long-term
Connections open doors, but relationships close deals. Networking is not just about exchanging business cards and connecting on LinkedIn. Networking is most valuable when long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships are formed. Relationships take time to build. So be patient, and stay in touch with people you like.

Introduce your contacts to other people
The best way to owe someone a favour is by simply introducing them to someone who can benefit them.

Assuming that you know both persons well, a simple email asking both parties if they like to be introduced to each other (while stating what's in it for them) will set you as a person who goes out of your way to help others.

take action; achieve more
  • To build a strong network, you have to impact others. For that, you have to be clear about what exactly you are doing and how it can make a difference in people's lives
  • A powerful way of finding networking opportunities is to be social. You may think that it can't help you build a serious network, but in reality, it's a very effective way of connecting with like-minded professionals
  • One of the most effective ways to build networks is to attend networking events. This can be a seminar, a conference, or even a one-on-one meeting with a like-minded person
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